Friday, May 08, 2009


So I have been excited for thunder storms to come. On Wednesday, I was blessed with a wonderfully violent thunderstorm that lasted for all of five minutes. Though the duration of the storm was small, the intensity was not. Within the short storm, the thunder roared and the ground shook. The rain poured, and the lightening struck.
Oh, did the lightening strike. It came all the way down from the beautifully black sky to touch the rain drenched ground. This particular lightening bolt was possibly the largest ever seen... and it's my guess that the bolt appeared so big because we (me and the rest of the people standing in the Westwood parking lot) had never seen a lightening bolt that up close and personal.
Minutes later sirens were coming from all over. First came the first responders in their vehicles, followed shortly by the police, fire department, and paramedics. People running from everywhere to get to the backyard of a house right across the street from Westwood. At this point all of us are standing out in the parking lot just watching all of this commosion, not entirely sure what to think of it. We could see what was going on. CPR was started... and it kept going... and going... (now, I had just passed my EMT national test on Monday, and one thing you know is that when CPR is initiated, usually the person doesn't make it - specially if the person doesn't come back right away). But then they stopped. Did the guy's heart start beating again? Or did they declare him? They put him on the stretcher and transported. He had made it... at least thus far.
So remember that lightening bolt that had touched down? Remember why it was so big? (cuz it was so close). Yeah... that's right. How often do you witness someone getting hit by a bolt of lightening?


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